Forget Windows, Linux or MacOS: Our choice of the best alternative operating systems

If you’re fed up with Windows, Linux, or macOS, you’ll want to know if there’s a great alternative desktop operating system that’s worth using. 

While there are no absolute definitive answers here – everyone’s use case is different, after all – we’ve discovered ten distinct examples that fall outside the usual bounds.

Our list even includes a few true outsiders, independent operating systems built from the ground up which serve mainly to prove just how difficult it is to create an entire functioning OS without a large number of brains working on it.

Everything here can be tested reasonably within a virtual machine, so if something grabs your interest don’t hesitate to download and give it a try.

Forget Windows, Linux or MacOS: Our choice of the best alternative operating systems

(Image credit: ArcaOS)

1. ArcaOS

The last of the OS/2 projects

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