Meta Tag plays important role in the modern day search engine optimization. This article describes a few important things about this. Search engines read Meta tag descriptions from your website pages. The description helps the search engine classify your website and index your web page. Strong Meta tags may help your website to rank better.

How to choose Title and Meta Tags:

a. Choose a title and keywords which describes which you are providing or selling. For example if you are service provider providing services in carpentry try to include them in both title and meta tag…like ‘The Best Carpentry Service in Washington’

b. Keep your visitors in mind when you are describing these tags. What would be the user looking for…

c. And also give them the exact information they need in the pages for example contact info, or driving directions to your store.

d. If you are providing content make sure you update your content and Meta tags often so that your visitors come back.

Targeting the Right Keywords

a. Find relevant keywords that are searched for often.
b. Make sure you target “phrases” rather than single keywords.
c. There are plenty of free keyword suggestion tools available on the internet.
d. Finding popular keyword phrases with few competitors
e. Choose the right keywords based on what services you are trying to provide.
f. Use a variety of sources
g. Search from the point of view of your potential customers
h. Keep the keywords that will attract the target audience
i. Pick the small-medium competitive keyword phrases
j. Spot the topics for your content (site pages, articles, blog posts, press releases, etc)

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