Join Forces With A SEO Consultant For Optimum Results

Join Forces With A SEO Consultant For Optimum Results

So you’ve chosen the consultant or company that will be responsible for delivering great SEO results for your business. You should try to get some assistance from a professional seo consultant.

What happens next? Do you leave them to get on with it while you go about your business?

Well, you could get better results faster if you combine your efforts.

The search engine optimization process consists of 3 elements:

  1. Content optimization
  2. Site structure optimization
  3. High-quality inbound links

Your chosen SEO provider will begin by comparing your website content to that of your closest competitors – those you want to outrank – before determining a strategy that will drive you to where you want to be.

He or she will optimize your site’s structure and content, so you achieve better rankings organically.

Creating high-quality inbound links to your website is the crucial 3rd strategy in producing a high-ranking website. This is where you come in.

Google and the other leading search engines reward what they view as ‘authority websites’ with higher rankings. So by working to ensure that your website is seen as an authority site, you will gain kudos – and your rankings will rise accordingly – with the aim of out-ranking your rivals.

Here are six proven ways to build an authority site:

Ask your customers to link to your site

Send a simple email telling your customers how much you value their business and suggesting that they might like to say to friends and colleagues about your product or service by placing a link to their website or Facebook page. If your customers love doing business with you, most will happily comply.

Get your suppliers to link to your website

Does your business use representatives or suppliers? If so, ask if they might care to add a link to your website, and you can offer to reciprocate.

Add your website URL to your press releases

Great press releases get a wealth of media exposure. They can end up getting re-posted, re-tweeted, or curated by others, so be sure to add your link to your next well-crafted press release for maximum exposure (and better rankings).

Include links when you post to social media sites

Is your business active on social media? If so, be sure to add links to your postings.

Put a link in your email signature

Perhaps you already have a dedicated email signature. In which case, add a line that says: ‘link to us’ above your URL.

Get active on forums

Do you belong to LinkedIn or any industry forums? Forums can be a great place to interact with your peers and also to share your wisdom. Most forums will allow you to place a link in your signature so that whenever you help someone out with advice or make a comment, you will automatically leave a link back to your website.

Establishing your website as an authority site for your target audience will not happen overnight. But by taking small steps regularly towards your goal, you should see a gradual climb in the search engine rankings, and you will be reinforcing your chosen SEO consultant ‘s efforts as well.